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Used Rubber Machinery
Used rubber calenders
Used 3 roll rubber calender with 60" x 22" rolls. #001200ip
Used Farrel 4 roll Z calender, 15" x 8"
Used rubber cutters
Used 18" bale cutter, down acting
Used 26" rubber bale cutter, 12" stroke. #001774IP
Used 32" rubber guillotine cutter, 24" stroke. #001804IP
Used Goodman 35" rubber slab cutter. #001699IP
Used Reynolds 19" rubber bale cutter
Used Taylor rubber cutter, 8 knife rotor, 100 HP
Used Whiptastic 28" rubber guillotine cutter
Used Rubber Extruders
Cold feed extruders - used rubber extruders
Used 2" Deltaplast rubber extruder, 24:1 L/D cold feed #45SL255
Used 4.50" NRM cold feed rubber extruder, 17:1 L/D,repx8455
Used 4.50" nrm, plastiscrew cold feed rubber extruder, 12:1 L/D
Used Brabender 1 1/2", 15:1 L/D cold feed rubber extruder. #36SL562
Hot feed, dump rubber extruder
10" Farrel 7:1L/D hot feed rubber extruder, no motor. #F31SL457
10" NRM 7:1L/D hot feed rubber extruder, 125 HP DC. #F15SL837
Used 2" royal rubber extruder
Used 3" royal rubber extruder. #AMV676
Used 4 1/2" Royal hot feed rubber extruder. #16SL847
Used 4 1/2", 4.5:1 NRM hot feed rubber extruder. #di001
Used Bolling 12" hot feed rubber extruder, 4:1 L/D, with screen changer
Used NRM 4 1/2", 17:1 LD hot feed rubber extruder. #di002
Rubber injection presses, injection molding machines
Used 75 ton Desma silicone rubber injection press. #IM0001
Used Lewis 200 ton rubber injection press. #0079-1IP
Used rubber mills
Used 13" x 6" Bolling 2 roll laboratory mill. #33SL920
Used 80" x 9.5" x 4" rubber mill, 2 rolls. #00952IP
Used 95" x 12.5" x 6" 2 roll rubber mill. #00956IP
Used 24" x 10" Bolling 2 roll rubber mill. #DI30
Used 13" x 6" Eemco rubber lab mill, 2 roll. #001769IP
Used 17" x 16" Farrel 2 roll rubber mill, chromed rolls. #15SL419
Used 7" x 3" Farrel rubber lab mill, 2 rol. #2mill12
Used 13" x 6" Farrel cabinet style 2 roll rubber mill. #2mill7
Used 12" x 6" Getty rubber mill, 2 roll lab mill. #2mill9
Used 60" x 20" Kobelco Stewart Bolling mill.
Used 60" x 22" Nippon 2 roll rubber mill. #400010
Used 71" x 24" Thiriau 2 roll rubber mill. #400009
Used 16" x 6" Thropp 2 roll rubber mill. #2mill11
Cracker mill, to 3/8" crumb rubber
Used rubber mixers
Used Farrel #9 continuous rubber mixer, 700 HP, quick disconnect rotors. #400011
Used rubber pelletizers
Used 12" underwater rubber pelletizer line, Bolling 10:1 L/D. #400001
Used 8" underwater rubber pelletizing line with Davis Standard 12:1 extruder, Gala 7, F80 Banbury mixer
Used rubber Preformer extruders for sale
Used 10" Barwell rubber performer. #PX8097
Used Dieffenbacher 3.5" extruder/performer, rubber performer used
Used rubber presses
Laboratory presses
Used Tetrahedron 14" x 14" laboratory press, 24 ton. #P02014
Used Wabash 12" x 12" rubber laboratory press, 12 ton. #P01530
Post presses
used 112 ton wabash rubber post press
Used 1200 ton Dominion rubber post press, 60" x 60"
Used 150 ton 4 post rubber press, 30.5" x 24.5". #P00295
Used 19 x 19 Dake rubber post press
Used 20" x 20" modern rubber post press
Used 200 ton rubber post press 33" x 24". #di031
Used 2000 ton Krauss Maffei rubber post press, 73" x 76". #001506IP
Used 250 ton rubber post press, 48" x 48". #P01144
Used 30 ton Wabash rubber lab post press, (3) 12" x 12" platens. #26SL832
Used 300 ton rubber press, 24" x 30". #P00148
Used 350 ton 4 post rubber press, 25.5" x 24". #P00200
Used 50 ton Laufer-Buscher rubber post press, #rp3
Used 600 ton Adamson rubber post press, 30" x 32". #P01843
Used 75 ton J.H. Wood rubber lab press, 18" x 18". #P01513
Used Albert 200 ton 4 post rubber press, 24" x 24". #P00593
Used Clifton 1000 ton rubber press, 17" x 24". #P01971
Used Hull 50 ton post rubber press, 15" plattens, rp1
Slab side press
Used 1000 ton Adamson slab side rubber press, 42 x 42. D10000
Used 1000 ton French Oil rubber press, 42 x 45. #001679IP
Used 400 ton rubber press, 26" x 26". #P00469
Used 450 ton Adamson slab side rubber press
Used 500 ton slab side rubber press, 32" x 32". #001376IP
Used 707 ton up-acting rubber press with 36" x 36" platens. #01152IP
Used 80 ton tmp slab side rubber press #tmp1
Used 800 ton 40" x 50" up-acting rubber press. #00100ip
Used 923 ton 37 x 43 up-acting rubber press 01613IP
Used Phi 100 ton lab press, 18.5" x 18.5". #P001982
Used hydraulic presses recently added
Mixers for sale
Used Banbury mixers
Second hand Banbury OOc mixer. #DI31
Used #9 Banbury mixer, slide door, 500/250 HP. #001196IP
Used 00 Banbury mixer
Used 11D Banbury mixer
Used 3A Banbury mixer
Used Banbury BR mixer for plastic/rubber processing. #37SL966
Used F80 Banbury mixer, px9280
Used Farrel 00 Banbury mixer
Used Farrel BR Banbury mixer
Used Farrel F80 Banbury mixer
Used Farrel OOc Banbury mixer
Used model 1 Banbury mixer
Used F80 Farrel Banbury mixer with 600 h.p. motor
Used Farrel Banbury F80 mixing machine
Used model 00C Farrel Banbury mixer for sale
Used compounder mixers
Used Baker Perkins compounder mixer for sale. #15SL251
Used Drais Gelimat compounder mixers for sale
Used continuous mixers for sale
Used 4" Kurimoto continuous mixer, model S4KRC. #AM8369
Used APV Baker Perkins continuous mixer, model CP1100. #AM7898
Used AVP continuous mixer. #21SL641
Used Baker Perkins continuous mixer #13SL450
Used Baker Perkins model MP continuous mixer #AM4573
Used Farrel CP23 continuous mixer #24SL824
Used dispersers
Used Jaygo disperser, with 50 h.p. explosion proof drive. #184365
Used Schold 60 h.p. variable speed disperser. #33SL377
Used Shar tank disperser, 75 h.p. variable speed. #27SL264
Used 40 h.p. Hockmeyer single shaft disperser, floor mounted
Used Cowles disperser with a 55" single shaft. #28SL263
Used Schold disperser with 50 h.p. for sale. #26SL891
Used 36" hockmeyer disperser with 30 h.p. variable speed. #16SL476
Used 50 h.p. Hockmeyer disperser for sale. #17SL022
Used 25 h.p. Hockmeyer disperser with 44" shaft. #49SL720
Used 25 h.p. Hockmeyer disperser with 41" shaft. #15SL978
Used 100/50 h.p. Hockmeyer disperser, 800/400 r.p.m. #33SL375
Used Hockmeyer vacuum mixer, 3 shaft. #40SL022
Used Hockmeyer disperser reactor system. #33SL562
Used 900 gallon Hockmeyer tank mounted disperser, 50/25 h.p.. #30SL919
Used 700 gallon Hockmeyer dispersion mixer. #304911
Used 900 gallon Hockmeyer tank mounted disperser, 50/25 hp, stainless steel
Used 50 h.p. Hockmeyer 42" single shaft disperser. #17SL428
Used 75 h.p. Cowles single shaft disperser. #17SL429
Used Cayuga 50 h.p. single shaft disperser. #17SL196
Used Cowles disperser with 60 h.p. and 48" rise. #16SL440
Used Epworth tank disperser, 2500 gallon, 30 h.p.. #17SL019
Used Mooney disperser, 75 h.p. variable speed.33SL430
Used intensive mixers
Used Farrel intensive lab mixer. #984804x
Used Intercole Bolling Intensive Mixer
Used Internal mixers
Used 10 liter internal mixer for 13.3 Kg PVC, Maccaniche Modern
Used internal mixers, 200 liter working capacity, Werner
Used Maccaniche Moderne internal mixer
Used shaw intermix internal mixer
Used Shaw internal mixer
Used Werner & Pfleiderer Internal Mixers
Blenders, used
Double cone blenders, mixers
Used 100 CF Gemco double cone blender, stainless steel. #15SL923
Used 350 c.f. stainless steel double cone blender for sale. #300011
Used 8,000 lb capacity double cone blender for sale. #300015
Used Crossley Economy, small double cone blender, 12.4CF, 5 HP. #31SL596
Used Gemco 75 CF SS/stainless steel, 10 HP double cone blender. #300012
Used Gemco double cone blender for sale, 100 cubic ft, 15HP. #25SL524
Used Patterson Kelley double cone blender for sale, 154 cubic foot. #16SL356
Used Patterson Kelley double cone blender, 85 CF, 10 HP. #15SL069
Used ploughshare mixers/plow blenders for sale
Used 15000L Lodige ploughshare mixer/blender. #400026X
Used APS ploughshare mixer, model CPB315 for sale. #400025X
Used Eirich plow mixer for sale, 335 c.f. capacity, 400 HP. #400027
Used Littleford plow mixer 22CF. #38SL003
Used Lodige 8000 liter ploughshare mixer/dryer blender. #400035X
Used ribbon blenders for sale
Used 150 Cubic foot Munson carbon steel ribbon blender for sale. #25SL83
Used 23 cubic ft Day ribbon blender for sale. #502629mv
Used 250 cubic feet stainless steel ribbon paddle blender for sale. #38SL607
Used 300 CF ribbon blender, 100 hp. #400091x
Used 400 CF Aaron Process SS double ribbon blender. #24SL43
Used 50 cf Young double ribbon blender for sale, 15 hp. #400095x
Used 50 cubic ft stainless steel double ribbon blender. #13SL943
Used 500 CF American Process double ribbon blender. #130802x
Used 58 CF SS Sprout Waldron B-58 ribbon blender for sale. #27SL155
Used 62 CF Day 304 SS double ribbon blender for sale. #32SL855
Used 66 c.f. Howes 304 stainless steel ribbon blender for sale. #33SL100
Used 70 CF Readco stainless steel double ribbon blender for sale. #40SL919
Used 75 CF Young stainless steel ribbon blender for sale. #50SL429
Used Aaron 150 cf ribbon blender for sale, 50 hp. #400092x
Used American Process 400 cubic feet paddle mixer blender for sale. #15SL269
Used American Process ribbon paddle blender 385CF. #28SL219
Used Cutler 30 h.p. finger paddle blender, 512 CF total capacity. #400028X
Used Hayes Stolz 1000 cubic foot double ribbon blender for sale. #37SL597
Used Howes 10' x 20' horizontal tank ribbon blender. #47SL080
Used Howes 170CF double spiral ribbon blender for sale. #400034X
Used JH Day 100 CF double spiral ribbon blender for sale. #400093x
Used Marion 30 cf 4 paddle mixer for sale. #400096
Used Marion paddle mixer for sale, 36" x 96" stainless steel. #30SL601
Used Readco 170 cubic feet double ribbon blender. #19SL255
Used Reynolds 250 CF double ribbon blender, 75 HP. #400031X
Used Ross ribbon blender, 42N-215, 215 CF. #27SL871
Used Sprout Waldron 10' x 64" x 64" double ribbon blender. #400030x
Used stainless steel 190 CF ribbon blender, 25 HP. #400033x
Used Vitrol Canada 60 cf food powder mixer for sale. #400094x
Used Young 200 CF ribbon blender, 50 HP. #400032x
Machinery misc
Dual shaft shredders
Used Ball & Jewell model SB10480x dual rotor shredder, SB10480X. #400008
Used 20" x 28" Weil dual shaft shredder, 20" x 28". #36SL828
Used 25 hp Jacobson 20" x 30" feed dual shaft shredder,27SL558
Used 60 hp Reduction Technologies 20" x 42" feed dual shaft shredder,29SL915
Used scott 10 hp, 15" x 15" dual shaft shredder,23SL698
Used Shred Tech shredding system for sale, CT-50NI. #33SL736
Hammer mills
Small used 5 hp Fluid Air hammer mill, 3" wide hammer. #26SL180
Used 1000 HP Williams impactor crusher/hammer mill. #400043X
Used Ann Tsung 7.5 atomizing hammer mill. #30SL472
Used Fluid Air hammer mill, 20 hp. #32SL314
Used Jacobson hammer mill, 9" x 26". #25SL895
Used Munson hammer mill, 30 hp 3540 RPM. #19SL185
Used Raymond 7.5 hp hammer mill, 12" chamber. #400099x
Used Williams hammer mill, 10" x 12" feed, 40 hp, 28SL077
Used Williams x160 hammer mill. No motor. #400097x
Hog mills
Used 1200 rpm Mitts & Merrill hog mill 20 x 18 feed opening,16SL000
Used 150 hp Mitts & Merril Hog Mill, 20" X 27", 30" rotor, #24SL438
Used 150 hp Mitts and Merrill 20" x 27" hog mill,31SL059
Paper shredders
Used 30 hp paper shredder system, 24"x 24" rotor, 8'x 8'x 8' dust collector,28SL278
Used American Paperboard shredder, 45" x 30". 75 hp. #400098
Used Gruendler 60 HP paper shredder, 2 tons per hour
Used Shred Tech paper shredder, 60hp, 25" x 50". #36SL511
Refuse shredding equipment
Used Eidal 150 HP refuse shredder system. #400015
Used Eidal solid waste shredder, 400 HP. #13SL550
Single shaft shredders
Used Holtzmag 100 HP shredder, carbide cutters on rotor, 48" x 50". #400014
Used Linder 175 HP shredder, 22" x 80" rotor, 80" opening. #400016
Used Weima 60 hp horizontal scrap wood, vinyl siding shredder
Mining equipment
Ball mills
Pre-breaker machines
Rod mills for sale
215 h.p. Herbold granulator, 800 mm. x 1600 mm.. #34SL198
200 h.p. Ball And Jewell Granulator, 36" X 52". #34SL196
200 h.p. Ball And Jewell Granulator, 36" X 52". #34SL197
200 h.p. Cumberland granulator. #38SL475
200 h.p. Nelmor granulator, 24" x 36". #400005
150 h.p. Cumberland granulator, 21" x 37". #33SL549
150 h.p. Cumberland granulator, 56 x 24. #41SL499
150 h.p. Cumberland granulator, 20" x 50". #400006
150 h.p. Herbold granulator, 18" x 30". #17SL318
125 h.p. Rapid Granulator, 24" X 42". #29SL509
100 h.p. Cumberland granulator, 50" x 20". #43SL361
100 h.p. Cumberland granulator, 20" x 50". #48SL793
100 h.p. Cumberland granulator, 16" x 28". #16SL281
100 h.p. Foremost granulator, 16" X 45". #22SL902
100 h.p. Gloucester granulator, 14" x 28". #20SL107
100 h.p. Nelmor granulator, 24" X 36". #15SL734
75 h.p. Cumberland Granulator, 10" x 20". #14SL808
75 h.p. Young 24" x 36" granulator.#19SL240
60 h.p. Cumberland granulator, 14" x 24". #33SL546
50 h.p. Ball And Jewell granulator, 20" X 26". #28SL197
50 h.p. Cumberland granulator, 14" x 24".#20SL160
50 h.p. Cumberland granulator, 21" X 28". #30SL448
50 h.p. Nelmor granulator, 18" x 36". #49SL942
50 h.p. Rapid granulator, 12" X 24", #21SL011
40 h.p. Gloucester granulator, 12" X 18". #28SL204
30 h.p. Alsteele granulator, 7" x 18". #15SL214
30 h.p. Chi Chang granulator, 19" X 24". #34SL496
30 h.p. granulator, 7" x 14". #29SL568
30 h.p. Tria granulator, 11" x 13". #19SL963
25 h.p. Conair granulator, 18 x 24. #40SL880
25 h.p. Mitts & Merrill granulator, 14" x 20". #15SL436
25 h.p. Nelmor granulator, 12" x 20". #15SL340
25 h.p. Rapid granulator, 12" x 24". #30SL445
20 h.p Cumberland granulator. #47SL717
20 h.p. Cumberland granulator. #21SL918
20 h.p. Cumberland granulator, 28" .#32SL049
20 h.p. Cumberland granulator, 14" X 20". #22SL909
20 h.p. granulator, 14" X 16", #30SL102
20 h.p. Nelmor granulator, 12" X 20". #15SL339
20 h.p. Nelmor granulator, 12" X 15". #27SL377
15 h.p. Conair granulator, 9" x 12". #30SL832
7.5 h.p. Lr Systems granulator, 6" X 8". #25SL550
guillotine cutters
Used 18" Pneumatic guillotine cutter
Used 19" guillotine cutter, Denison oil
Used 28" guillotine cutter, Whiptastic
Used Spadone 29"/about 70 cm wide guillotine cutter. #CX97565
New Rubber Presses
Hydraulic press model DaveyNSS1
Hydraulic press model DaveyNSS2
Hydraulic press model DaveyNSS4
Hydraulic press model DaveyNSS5
Hydraulic press model DaveyNSS6
Hydraulic press model DaveyNSS7
Hydraulic press model DaveyNSS78
Hydraulic press model DaveyNSS9
Hydraulic press model M4080
Hydraulic press rebuilding
Basket centrifuges
Used 60" X 20" Sharples centrifuge #36SL039
Used 24" x 12" Tolhurst perforated basket centrifuge, 1400 RPM
Used 30" x 18" Ametek hastelloy basket centrifuge #24SL980
Used 30" x 18" Tolhurst Basket Centrifuge, 1400 RPM #25SL047
Used 40" x 24" Sharples basket centrifuge, 1500 RPM
Used 40" x 24" Tolhurst centrifuge, 1180 RPM #27SL597
Used 48" x 30" DeLaval/ATM/Sanborn Basket Centrifuge, 1150 RPM #19SL213
Used 48" x 30" Ametek perforated basket centrifuge #21SL499.
Used 48" x 30" Bird Ketema basket centrifuge, 1800 RPM #36SL847
Used 48" x 30" DeLaval Mark III automatic basket centrifuge, 1000 RPM #15SL954
Used 48" x 30" DeLaval Mark III Basket Centrifuge, 19SL746
Used 48" x 30" Western States perforated basket centrifuge, 1150 RPM
Used 49" x 32" Krauss Maffei basket centrifuge, model VZO #36SL036
Used 54" x 40" Western States centrifuge, 900 RPM #34SL094
Used 54" x 40" Western States centrifuge. #34SL095
Used 60" x 20" Western States Basket Clarifier, 1800 RPM #18SL159
Used 60" X 20" Sharples centrifugal clarifier. #36SL038
Continuous solid bowl centrifuges
Used 16 liter Dorr Oliver Merco continuous solid bowl centrifuge. #36SL271
Used 36" x 96" Bird continuous solid bowl centrifuge, 2450 RPM. #17SL498
Used Sharples Model PM-95000 Continuous Solid Bowl Centrifuge. #16SL863
Decanter centrifuges
Sharples model p5000 sanitary decanter centrifuge, unused. #400104
Used 24" x 98" Alfa Laval 24" x 98" decanter centrifuge, 140 GPM. #25SL549
Used 10' Sharples decanter centrifuge. #400103x
Used 140" x 40" Sharples decanter centrifuge, 400 hp. #400101x
Used 16 liter Dorr Oliver Merco decanter centrifuge, model NX314B-31G. #36SL272
Used 1780 RPM Sharples decanter centrifuge. #34SL512
Used 190 mm x 353 mm Alfa Laval decanter centrifuge, 3250 RPM. #33SL867
Used 24" x 98" Alfa Laval decanter, 2700 RPM. #25SL548
Used 2600 RPM Sharples Decanter centrifuge. #34SL513
Used Sharples DS-706 decanter centrifuge. #37SL535
Used Sharples model pm35000memk2 decanter. #400102x
Used Rubber Machinery
Used rubber calenders
Used 3 roll rubber calender with 60" x 22" rolls. #001200ip
Used Farrel 4 roll Z calender, 15" x 8"
Used rubber cutters
Used 18" bale cutter, down acting
Used 26" rubber bale cutter, 12" stroke. #001774IP
Used 32" rubber guillotine cutter, 24" stroke. #001804IP
Used Goodman 35" rubber slab cutter. #001699IP
Used Reynolds 19" rubber bale cutter
Used Taylor rubber cutter, 8 knife rotor, 100 HP
Used Whiptastic 28" rubber guillotine cutter
Used Rubber Extruders
Cold feed extruders - used rubber extruders
Used 2" Deltaplast rubber extruder, 24:1 L/D cold feed #45SL255
Used 4.50" NRM cold feed rubber extruder, 17:1 L/D,repx8455
Used 4.50" nrm, plastiscrew cold feed rubber extruder, 12:1 L/D
Used Brabender 1 1/2", 15:1 L/D cold feed rubber extruder. #36SL562
Hot feed, dump rubber extruder
10" Farrel 7:1L/D hot feed rubber extruder, no motor. #F31SL457
10" NRM 7:1L/D hot feed rubber extruder, 125 HP DC. #F15SL837
Used 2" royal rubber extruder
Used 3" royal rubber extruder. #AMV676
Used 4 1/2" Royal hot feed rubber extruder. #16SL847
Used 4 1/2", 4.5:1 NRM hot feed rubber extruder. #di001
Used Bolling 12" hot feed rubber extruder, 4:1 L/D, with screen changer
Used NRM 4 1/2", 17:1 LD hot feed rubber extruder. #di002
Rubber injection presses, injection molding machines
Used 75 ton Desma silicone rubber injection press. #IM0001
Used Lewis 200 ton rubber injection press. #0079-1IP
Used rubber mills
Used 13" x 6" Bolling 2 roll laboratory mill. #33SL920
Used 80" x 9.5" x 4" rubber mill, 2 rolls. #00952IP
Used 95" x 12.5" x 6" 2 roll rubber mill. #00956IP
Used 24" x 10" Bolling 2 roll rubber mill. #DI30
Used 13" x 6" Eemco rubber lab mill, 2 roll. #001769IP
Used 17" x 16" Farrel 2 roll rubber mill, chromed rolls. #15SL419
Used 7" x 3" Farrel rubber lab mill, 2 rol. #2mill12
Used 13" x 6" Farrel cabinet style 2 roll rubber mill. #2mill7
Used 12" x 6" Getty rubber mill, 2 roll lab mill. #2mill9
Used 60" x 20" Kobelco Stewart Bolling mill.
Used 60" x 22" Nippon 2 roll rubber mill. #400010
Used 71" x 24" Thiriau 2 roll rubber mill. #400009
Used 16" x 6" Thropp 2 roll rubber mill. #2mill11
Cracker mill, to 3/8" crumb rubber
Used rubber mixers
Used Farrel #9 continuous rubber mixer, 700 HP, quick disconnect rotors. #400011
Used rubber pelletizers
Used 12" underwater rubber pelletizer line, Bolling 10:1 L/D. #400001
Used 8" underwater rubber pelletizing line with Davis Standard 12:1 extruder, Gala 7, F80 Banbury mixer
Used rubber Preformer extruders for sale
Used 10" Barwell rubber performer. #PX8097
Used Dieffenbacher 3.5" extruder/performer, rubber performer used
Used rubber presses
Laboratory presses
Used Tetrahedron 14" x 14" laboratory press, 24 ton. #P02014
Used Wabash 12" x 12" rubber laboratory press, 12 ton. #P01530
Post presses
used 112 ton wabash rubber post press
Used 1200 ton Dominion rubber post press, 60" x 60"
Used 150 ton 4 post rubber press, 30.5" x 24.5". #P00295
Used 19 x 19 Dake rubber post press
Used 20" x 20" modern rubber post press
Used 200 ton rubber post press 33" x 24". #di031
Used 2000 ton Krauss Maffei rubber post press, 73" x 76". #001506IP
Used 250 ton rubber post press, 48" x 48". #P01144
Used 30 ton Wabash rubber lab post press, (3) 12" x 12" platens. #26SL832
Used 300 ton rubber press, 24" x 30". #P00148
Used 350 ton 4 post rubber press, 25.5" x 24". #P00200
Used 50 ton Laufer-Buscher rubber post press, #rp3
Used 600 ton Adamson rubber post press, 30" x 32". #P01843
Used 75 ton J.H. Wood rubber lab press, 18" x 18". #P01513
Used Albert 200 ton 4 post rubber press, 24" x 24". #P00593
Used Clifton 1000 ton rubber press, 17" x 24". #P01971
Used Hull 50 ton post rubber press, 15" plattens, rp1
Slab side press
Used 1000 ton Adamson slab side rubber press, 42 x 42. D10000
Used 1000 ton French Oil rubber press, 42 x 45. #001679IP
Used 400 ton rubber press, 26" x 26". #P00469
Used 450 ton Adamson slab side rubber press
Used 500 ton slab side rubber press, 32" x 32". #001376IP
Used 707 ton up-acting rubber press with 36" x 36" platens. #01152IP
Used 80 ton tmp slab side rubber press #tmp1
Used 800 ton 40" x 50" up-acting rubber press. #00100ip
Used 923 ton 37 x 43 up-acting rubber press 01613IP
Used Phi 100 ton lab press, 18.5" x 18.5". #P001982
Used hydraulic presses recently added
Mixers for sale
Used Banbury mixers
Second hand Banbury OOc mixer. #DI31
Used #9 Banbury mixer, slide door, 500/250 HP. #001196IP
Used 00 Banbury mixer
Used 11D Banbury mixer
Used 3A Banbury mixer
Used Banbury BR mixer for plastic/rubber processing. #37SL966
Used F80 Banbury mixer, px9280
Used Farrel 00 Banbury mixer
Used Farrel BR Banbury mixer
Used Farrel F80 Banbury mixer
Used Farrel OOc Banbury mixer
Used model 1 Banbury mixer
Used F80 Farrel Banbury mixer with 600 h.p. motor
Used Farrel Banbury F80 mixing machine
Used model 00C Farrel Banbury mixer for sale
Used compounder mixers
Used Baker Perkins compounder mixer for sale. #15SL251
Used Drais Gelimat compounder mixers for sale
Used continuous mixers for sale
Used 4" Kurimoto continuous mixer, model S4KRC. #AM8369
Used APV Baker Perkins continuous mixer, model CP1100. #AM7898
Used AVP continuous mixer. #21SL641
Used Baker Perkins continuous mixer #13SL450
Used Baker Perkins model MP continuous mixer #AM4573
Used Farrel CP23 continuous mixer #24SL824
Used dispersers
Used Jaygo disperser, with 50 h.p. explosion proof drive. #184365
Used Schold 60 h.p. variable speed disperser. #33SL377
Used Shar tank disperser, 75 h.p. variable speed. #27SL264
Used 40 h.p. Hockmeyer single shaft disperser, floor mounted
Used Cowles disperser with a 55" single shaft. #28SL263
Used Schold disperser with 50 h.p. for sale. #26SL891
Used 36" hockmeyer disperser with 30 h.p. variable speed. #16SL476
Used 50 h.p. Hockmeyer disperser for sale. #17SL022
Used 25 h.p. Hockmeyer disperser with 44" shaft. #49SL720
Used 25 h.p. Hockmeyer disperser with 41" shaft. #15SL978
Used 100/50 h.p. Hockmeyer disperser, 800/400 r.p.m. #33SL375
Used Hockmeyer vacuum mixer, 3 shaft. #40SL022
Used Hockmeyer disperser reactor system. #33SL562
Used 900 gallon Hockmeyer tank mounted disperser, 50/25 h.p.. #30SL919
Used 700 gallon Hockmeyer dispersion mixer. #304911
Used 900 gallon Hockmeyer tank mounted disperser, 50/25 hp, stainless steel
Used 50 h.p. Hockmeyer 42" single shaft disperser. #17SL428
Used 75 h.p. Cowles single shaft disperser. #17SL429
Used Cayuga 50 h.p. single shaft disperser. #17SL196
Used Cowles disperser with 60 h.p. and 48" rise. #16SL440
Used Epworth tank disperser, 2500 gallon, 30 h.p.. #17SL019
Used Mooney disperser, 75 h.p. variable speed.33SL430
Used intensive mixers
Used Farrel intensive lab mixer. #984804x
Used Intercole Bolling Intensive Mixer
Used Internal mixers
Used 10 liter internal mixer for 13.3 Kg PVC, Maccaniche Modern
Used internal mixers, 200 liter working capacity, Werner
Used Maccaniche Moderne internal mixer
Used shaw intermix internal mixer
Used Shaw internal mixer
Used Werner & Pfleiderer Internal Mixers
Blenders, used
Double cone blenders, mixers
Used 100 CF Gemco double cone blender, stainless steel. #15SL923
Used 350 c.f. stainless steel double cone blender for sale. #300011
Used 8,000 lb capacity double cone blender for sale. #300015
Used Crossley Economy, small double cone blender, 12.4CF, 5 HP. #31SL596
Used Gemco 75 CF SS/stainless steel, 10 HP double cone blender. #300012
Used Gemco double cone blender for sale, 100 cubic ft, 15HP. #25SL524
Used Patterson Kelley double cone blender for sale, 154 cubic foot. #16SL356
Used Patterson Kelley double cone blender, 85 CF, 10 HP. #15SL069
Used ploughshare mixers/plow blenders for sale
Used 15000L Lodige ploughshare mixer/blender. #400026X
Used APS ploughshare mixer, model CPB315 for sale. #400025X
Used Eirich plow mixer for sale, 335 c.f. capacity, 400 HP. #400027
Used Littleford plow mixer 22CF. #38SL003
Used Lodige 8000 liter ploughshare mixer/dryer blender. #400035X
Used ribbon blenders for sale
Used 150 Cubic foot Munson carbon steel ribbon blender for sale. #25SL83
Used 23 cubic ft Day ribbon blender for sale. #502629mv
Used 250 cubic feet stainless steel ribbon paddle blender for sale. #38SL607
Used 300 CF ribbon blender, 100 hp. #400091x
Used 400 CF Aaron Process SS double ribbon blender. #24SL43
Used 50 cf Young double ribbon blender for sale, 15 hp. #400095x
Used 50 cubic ft stainless steel double ribbon blender. #13SL943
Used 500 CF American Process double ribbon blender. #130802x
Used 58 CF SS Sprout Waldron B-58 ribbon blender for sale. #27SL155
Used 62 CF Day 304 SS double ribbon blender for sale. #32SL855
Used 66 c.f. Howes 304 stainless steel ribbon blender for sale. #33SL100
Used 70 CF Readco stainless steel double ribbon blender for sale. #40SL919
Used 75 CF Young stainless steel ribbon blender for sale. #50SL429
Used Aaron 150 cf ribbon blender for sale, 50 hp. #400092x
Used American Process 400 cubic feet paddle mixer blender for sale. #15SL269
Used American Process ribbon paddle blender 385CF. #28SL219
Used Cutler 30 h.p. finger paddle blender, 512 CF total capacity. #400028X
Used Hayes Stolz 1000 cubic foot double ribbon blender for sale. #37SL597
Used Howes 10' x 20' horizontal tank ribbon blender. #47SL080
Used Howes 170CF double spiral ribbon blender for sale. #400034X
Used JH Day 100 CF double spiral ribbon blender for sale. #400093x
Used Marion 30 cf 4 paddle mixer for sale. #400096
Used Marion paddle mixer for sale, 36" x 96" stainless steel. #30SL601
Used Readco 170 cubic feet double ribbon blender. #19SL255
Used Reynolds 250 CF double ribbon blender, 75 HP. #400031X
Used Ross ribbon blender, 42N-215, 215 CF. #27SL871
Used Sprout Waldron 10' x 64" x 64" double ribbon blender. #400030x
Used stainless steel 190 CF ribbon blender, 25 HP. #400033x
Used Vitrol Canada 60 cf food powder mixer for sale. #400094x
Used Young 200 CF ribbon blender, 50 HP. #400032x
Machinery misc
Dual shaft shredders
Used Ball & Jewell model SB10480x dual rotor shredder, SB10480X. #400008
Used 20" x 28" Weil dual shaft shredder, 20" x 28". #36SL828
Used 25 hp Jacobson 20" x 30" feed dual shaft shredder,27SL558
Used 60 hp Reduction Technologies 20" x 42" feed dual shaft shredder,29SL915
Used scott 10 hp, 15" x 15" dual shaft shredder,23SL698
Used Shred Tech shredding system for sale, CT-50NI. #33SL736
Hammer mills
Small used 5 hp Fluid Air hammer mill, 3" wide hammer. #26SL180
Used 1000 HP Williams impactor crusher/hammer mill. #400043X
Used Ann Tsung 7.5 atomizing hammer mill. #30SL472
Used Fluid Air hammer mill, 20 hp. #32SL314
Used Jacobson hammer mill, 9" x 26". #25SL895
Used Munson hammer mill, 30 hp 3540 RPM. #19SL185
Used Raymond 7.5 hp hammer mill, 12" chamber. #400099x
Used Williams hammer mill, 10" x 12" feed, 40 hp, 28SL077
Used Williams x160 hammer mill. No motor. #400097x
Hog mills
Used 1200 rpm Mitts & Merrill hog mill 20 x 18 feed opening,16SL000
Used 150 hp Mitts & Merril Hog Mill, 20" X 27", 30" rotor, #24SL438
Used 150 hp Mitts and Merrill 20" x 27" hog mill,31SL059
Paper shredders
Used 30 hp paper shredder system, 24"x 24" rotor, 8'x 8'x 8' dust collector,28SL278
Used American Paperboard shredder, 45" x 30". 75 hp. #400098
Used Gruendler 60 HP paper shredder, 2 tons per hour
Used Shred Tech paper shredder, 60hp, 25" x 50". #36SL511
Refuse shredding equipment
Used Eidal 150 HP refuse shredder system. #400015
Used Eidal solid waste shredder, 400 HP. #13SL550
Single shaft shredders
Used Holtzmag 100 HP shredder, carbide cutters on rotor, 48" x 50". #400014
Used Linder 175 HP shredder, 22" x 80" rotor, 80" opening. #400016
Used Weima 60 hp horizontal scrap wood, vinyl siding shredder
Mining equipment
Ball mills
Pre-breaker machines
Rod mills for sale
215 h.p. Herbold granulator, 800 mm. x 1600 mm.. #34SL198
200 h.p. Ball And Jewell Granulator, 36" X 52". #34SL196
200 h.p. Ball And Jewell Granulator, 36" X 52". #34SL197
200 h.p. Cumberland granulator. #38SL475
200 h.p. Nelmor granulator, 24" x 36". #400005
150 h.p. Cumberland granulator, 21" x 37". #33SL549
150 h.p. Cumberland granulator, 56 x 24. #41SL499
150 h.p. Cumberland granulator, 20" x 50". #400006
150 h.p. Herbold granulator, 18" x 30". #17SL318
125 h.p. Rapid Granulator, 24" X 42". #29SL509
100 h.p. Cumberland granulator, 50" x 20". #43SL361
100 h.p. Cumberland granulator, 20" x 50". #48SL793
100 h.p. Cumberland granulator, 16" x 28". #16SL281
100 h.p. Foremost granulator, 16" X 45". #22SL902
100 h.p. Gloucester granulator, 14" x 28". #20SL107
100 h.p. Nelmor granulator, 24" X 36". #15SL734
75 h.p. Cumberland Granulator, 10" x 20". #14SL808
75 h.p. Young 24" x 36" granulator.#19SL240
60 h.p. Cumberland granulator, 14" x 24". #33SL546
50 h.p. Ball And Jewell granulator, 20" X 26". #28SL197
50 h.p. Cumberland granulator, 14" x 24".#20SL160
50 h.p. Cumberland granulator, 21" X 28". #30SL448
50 h.p. Nelmor granulator, 18" x 36". #49SL942
50 h.p. Rapid granulator, 12" X 24", #21SL011
40 h.p. Gloucester granulator, 12" X 18". #28SL204
30 h.p. Alsteele granulator, 7" x 18". #15SL214
30 h.p. Chi Chang granulator, 19" X 24". #34SL496
30 h.p. granulator, 7" x 14". #29SL568
30 h.p. Tria granulator, 11" x 13". #19SL963
25 h.p. Conair granulator, 18 x 24. #40SL880
25 h.p. Mitts & Merrill granulator, 14" x 20". #15SL436
25 h.p. Nelmor granulator, 12" x 20". #15SL340
25 h.p. Rapid granulator, 12" x 24". #30SL445
20 h.p Cumberland granulator. #47SL717
20 h.p. Cumberland granulator. #21SL918
20 h.p. Cumberland granulator, 28" .#32SL049
20 h.p. Cumberland granulator, 14" X 20". #22SL909
20 h.p. granulator, 14" X 16", #30SL102
20 h.p. Nelmor granulator, 12" X 20". #15SL339
20 h.p. Nelmor granulator, 12" X 15". #27SL377
15 h.p. Conair granulator, 9" x 12". #30SL832
7.5 h.p. Lr Systems granulator, 6" X 8". #25SL550
guillotine cutters
Used 18" Pneumatic guillotine cutter
Used 19" guillotine cutter, Denison oil
Used 28" guillotine cutter, Whiptastic
Used Spadone 29"/about 70 cm wide guillotine cutter. #CX97565
New Rubber Presses
Hydraulic press model DaveyNSS1
Hydraulic press model DaveyNSS2
Hydraulic press model DaveyNSS4
Hydraulic press model DaveyNSS5
Hydraulic press model DaveyNSS6
Hydraulic press model DaveyNSS7
Hydraulic press model DaveyNSS78
Hydraulic press model DaveyNSS9
Hydraulic press model M4080
Hydraulic press rebuilding
Basket centrifuges
Used 60" X 20" Sharples centrifuge #36SL039
Used 24" x 12" Tolhurst perforated basket centrifuge, 1400 RPM
Used 30" x 18" Ametek hastelloy basket centrifuge #24SL980
Used 30" x 18" Tolhurst Basket Centrifuge, 1400 RPM #25SL047
Used 40" x 24" Sharples basket centrifuge, 1500 RPM
Used 40" x 24" Tolhurst centrifuge, 1180 RPM #27SL597
Used 48" x 30" DeLaval/ATM/Sanborn Basket Centrifuge, 1150 RPM #19SL213
Used 48" x 30" Ametek perforated basket centrifuge #21SL499.
Used 48" x 30" Bird Ketema basket centrifuge, 1800 RPM #36SL847
Used 48" x 30" DeLaval Mark III automatic basket centrifuge, 1000 RPM #15SL954
Used 48" x 30" DeLaval Mark III Basket Centrifuge, 19SL746
Used 48" x 30" Western States perforated basket centrifuge, 1150 RPM
Used 49" x 32" Krauss Maffei basket centrifuge, model VZO #36SL036
Used 54" x 40" Western States centrifuge, 900 RPM #34SL094
Used 54" x 40" Western States centrifuge. #34SL095
Used 60" x 20" Western States Basket Clarifier, 1800 RPM #18SL159
Used 60" X 20" Sharples centrifugal clarifier. #36SL038
Continuous solid bowl centrifuges
Used 16 liter Dorr Oliver Merco continuous solid bowl centrifuge. #36SL271
Used 36" x 96" Bird continuous solid bowl centrifuge, 2450 RPM. #17SL498
Used Sharples Model PM-95000 Continuous Solid Bowl Centrifuge. #16SL863
Decanter centrifuges
Sharples model p5000 sanitary decanter centrifuge, unused. #400104
Used 24" x 98" Alfa Laval 24" x 98" decanter centrifuge, 140 GPM. #25SL549
Used 10' Sharples decanter centrifuge. #400103x
Used 140" x 40" Sharples decanter centrifuge, 400 hp. #400101x
Used 16 liter Dorr Oliver Merco decanter centrifuge, model NX314B-31G. #36SL272
Used 1780 RPM Sharples decanter centrifuge. #34SL512
Used 190 mm x 353 mm Alfa Laval decanter centrifuge, 3250 RPM. #33SL867
Used 24" x 98" Alfa Laval decanter, 2700 RPM. #25SL548
Used 2600 RPM Sharples Decanter centrifuge. #34SL513
Used Sharples DS-706 decanter centrifuge. #37SL535
Used Sharples model pm35000memk2 decanter. #400102x
Used Rubber Machinery
Used rubber calenders
Used 3 roll rubber calender with 60" x 22" rolls. #001200ip
Used Farrel 4 roll Z calender, 15" x 8"
Used rubber cutters
Used 18" bale cutter, down acting
Used 26" rubber bale cutter, 12" stroke. #001774IP
Used 32" rubber guillotine cutter, 24" stroke. #001804IP
Used Goodman 35" rubber slab cutter. #001699IP
Used Reynolds 19" rubber bale cutter
Used Taylor rubber cutter, 8 knife rotor, 100 HP
Used Whiptastic 28" rubber guillotine cutter
Used Rubber Extruders
Cold feed extruders - used rubber extruders
Used 2" Deltaplast rubber extruder, 24:1 L/D cold feed #45SL255
Used 4.50" NRM cold feed rubber extruder, 17:1 L/D,repx8455
Used 4.50" nrm, plastiscrew cold feed rubber extruder, 12:1 L/D
Used Brabender 1 1/2", 15:1 L/D cold feed rubber extruder. #36SL562
Hot feed, dump rubber extruder
10" Farrel 7:1L/D hot feed rubber extruder, no motor. #F31SL457
10" NRM 7:1L/D hot feed rubber extruder, 125 HP DC. #F15SL837
Used 2" royal rubber extruder
Used 3" royal rubber extruder. #AMV676
Used 4 1/2" Royal hot feed rubber extruder. #16SL847
Used 4 1/2", 4.5:1 NRM hot feed rubber extruder. #di001
Used Bolling 12" hot feed rubber extruder, 4:1 L/D, with screen changer
Used NRM 4 1/2", 17:1 LD hot feed rubber extruder. #di002
Rubber injection presses, injection molding machines
Used 75 ton Desma silicone rubber injection press. #IM0001
Used Lewis 200 ton rubber injection press. #0079-1IP
Used rubber mills
Used 13" x 6" Bolling 2 roll laboratory mill. #33SL920
Used 80" x 9.5" x 4" rubber mill, 2 rolls. #00952IP
Used 95" x 12.5" x 6" 2 roll rubber mill. #00956IP
Used 24" x 10" Bolling 2 roll rubber mill. #DI30
Used 13" x 6" Eemco rubber lab mill, 2 roll. #001769IP
Used 17" x 16" Farrel 2 roll rubber mill, chromed rolls. #15SL419
Used 7" x 3" Farrel rubber lab mill, 2 rol. #2mill12
Used 13" x 6" Farrel cabinet style 2 roll rubber mill. #2mill7
Used 12" x 6" Getty rubber mill, 2 roll lab mill. #2mill9
Used 60" x 20" Kobelco Stewart Bolling mill.
Used 60" x 22" Nippon 2 roll rubber mill. #400010
Used 71" x 24" Thiriau 2 roll rubber mill. #400009
Used 16" x 6" Thropp 2 roll rubber mill. #2mill11
Cracker mill, to 3/8" crumb rubber
Used rubber mixers
Used Farrel #9 continuous rubber mixer, 700 HP, quick disconnect rotors. #400011
Used rubber pelletizers
Used 12" underwater rubber pelletizer line, Bolling 10:1 L/D. #400001
Used 8" underwater rubber pelletizing line with Davis Standard 12:1 extruder, Gala 7, F80 Banbury mixer
Used rubber Preformer extruders for sale
Used 10" Barwell rubber performer. #PX8097
Used Dieffenbacher 3.5" extruder/performer, rubber performer used
Used rubber presses
Laboratory presses
Used Tetrahedron 14" x 14" laboratory press, 24 ton. #P02014
Used Wabash 12" x 12" rubber laboratory press, 12 ton. #P01530
Post presses
used 112 ton wabash rubber post press
Used 1200 ton Dominion rubber post press, 60" x 60"
Used 150 ton 4 post rubber press, 30.5" x 24.5". #P00295
Used 19 x 19 Dake rubber post press
Used 20" x 20" modern rubber post press
Used 200 ton rubber post press 33" x 24". #di031
Used 2000 ton Krauss Maffei rubber post press, 73" x 76". #001506IP
Used 250 ton rubber post press, 48" x 48". #P01144
Used 30 ton Wabash rubber lab post press, (3) 12" x 12" platens. #26SL832
Used 300 ton rubber press, 24" x 30". #P00148
Used 350 ton 4 post rubber press, 25.5" x 24". #P00200
Used 50 ton Laufer-Buscher rubber post press, #rp3
Used 600 ton Adamson rubber post press, 30" x 32". #P01843
Used 75 ton J.H. Wood rubber lab press, 18" x 18". #P01513
Used Albert 200 ton 4 post rubber press, 24" x 24". #P00593
Used Clifton 1000 ton rubber press, 17" x 24". #P01971
Used Hull 50 ton post rubber press, 15" plattens, rp1
Slab side press
Used 1000 ton Adamson slab side rubber press, 42 x 42. D10000
Used 1000 ton French Oil rubber press, 42 x 45. #001679IP
Used 400 ton rubber press, 26" x 26". #P00469
Used 450 ton Adamson slab side rubber press
Used 500 ton slab side rubber press, 32" x 32". #001376IP
Used 707 ton up-acting rubber press with 36" x 36" platens. #01152IP
Used 80 ton tmp slab side rubber press #tmp1
Used 800 ton 40" x 50" up-acting rubber press. #00100ip
Used 923 ton 37 x 43 up-acting rubber press 01613IP
Used Phi 100 ton lab press, 18.5" x 18.5". #P001982
Used hydraulic presses recently added
Mixers for sale
Used Banbury mixers
Second hand Banbury OOc mixer. #DI31
Used #9 Banbury mixer, slide door, 500/250 HP. #001196IP
Used 00 Banbury mixer
Used 11D Banbury mixer
Used 3A Banbury mixer
Used Banbury BR mixer for plastic/rubber processing. #37SL966
Used F80 Banbury mixer, px9280
Used Farrel 00 Banbury mixer
Used Farrel BR Banbury mixer
Used Farrel F80 Banbury mixer
Used Farrel OOc Banbury mixer
Used model 1 Banbury mixer
Used F80 Farrel Banbury mixer with 600 h.p. motor
Used Farrel Banbury F80 mixing machine
Used model 00C Farrel Banbury mixer for sale
Used compounder mixers
Used Baker Perkins compounder mixer for sale. #15SL251
Used Drais Gelimat compounder mixers for sale
Used continuous mixers for sale
Used 4" Kurimoto continuous mixer, model S4KRC. #AM8369
Used APV Baker Perkins continuous mixer, model CP1100. #AM7898
Used AVP continuous mixer. #21SL641
Used Baker Perkins continuous mixer #13SL450
Used Baker Perkins model MP continuous mixer #AM4573
Used Farrel CP23 continuous mixer #24SL824
Used dispersers
Used Jaygo disperser, with 50 h.p. explosion proof drive. #184365
Used Schold 60 h.p. variable speed disperser. #33SL377
Used Shar tank disperser, 75 h.p. variable speed. #27SL264
Used 40 h.p. Hockmeyer single shaft disperser, floor mounted
Used Cowles disperser with a 55" single shaft. #28SL263
Used Schold disperser with 50 h.p. for sale. #26SL891
Used 36" hockmeyer disperser with 30 h.p. variable speed. #16SL476
Used 50 h.p. Hockmeyer disperser for sale. #17SL022
Used 25 h.p. Hockmeyer disperser with 44" shaft. #49SL720
Used 25 h.p. Hockmeyer disperser with 41" shaft. #15SL978
Used 100/50 h.p. Hockmeyer disperser, 800/400 r.p.m. #33SL375
Used Hockmeyer vacuum mixer, 3 shaft. #40SL022
Used Hockmeyer disperser reactor system. #33SL562
Used 900 gallon Hockmeyer tank mounted disperser, 50/25 h.p.. #30SL919
Used 700 gallon Hockmeyer dispersion mixer. #304911
Used 900 gallon Hockmeyer tank mounted disperser, 50/25 hp, stainless steel
Used 50 h.p. Hockmeyer 42" single shaft disperser. #17SL428
Used 75 h.p. Cowles single shaft disperser. #17SL429
Used Cayuga 50 h.p. single shaft disperser. #17SL196
Used Cowles disperser with 60 h.p. and 48" rise. #16SL440
Used Epworth tank disperser, 2500 gallon, 30 h.p.. #17SL019
Used Mooney disperser, 75 h.p. variable speed.33SL430
Used intensive mixers
Used Farrel intensive lab mixer. #984804x
Used Intercole Bolling Intensive Mixer
Used Internal mixers
Used 10 liter internal mixer for 13.3 Kg PVC, Maccaniche Modern
Used internal mixers, 200 liter working capacity, Werner
Used Maccaniche Moderne internal mixer
Used shaw intermix internal mixer
Used Shaw internal mixer
Used Werner & Pfleiderer Internal Mixers
Blenders, used
Double cone blenders, mixers
Used 100 CF Gemco double cone blender, stainless steel. #15SL923
Used 350 c.f. stainless steel double cone blender for sale. #300011
Used 8,000 lb capacity double cone blender for sale. #300015
Used Crossley Economy, small double cone blender, 12.4CF, 5 HP. #31SL596
Used Gemco 75 CF SS/stainless steel, 10 HP double cone blender. #300012
Used Gemco double cone blender for sale, 100 cubic ft, 15HP. #25SL524
Used Patterson Kelley double cone blender for sale, 154 cubic foot. #16SL356
Used Patterson Kelley double cone blender, 85 CF, 10 HP. #15SL069
Used ploughshare mixers/plow blenders for sale
Used 15000L Lodige ploughshare mixer/blender. #400026X
Used APS ploughshare mixer, model CPB315 for sale. #400025X
Used Eirich plow mixer for sale, 335 c.f. capacity, 400 HP. #400027
Used Littleford plow mixer 22CF. #38SL003
Used Lodige 8000 liter ploughshare mixer/dryer blender. #400035X
Used ribbon blenders for sale
Used 150 Cubic foot Munson carbon steel ribbon blender for sale. #25SL83
Used 23 cubic ft Day ribbon blender for sale. #502629mv
Used 250 cubic feet stainless steel ribbon paddle blender for sale. #38SL607
Used 300 CF ribbon blender, 100 hp. #400091x
Used 400 CF Aaron Process SS double ribbon blender. #24SL43
Used 50 cf Young double ribbon blender for sale, 15 hp. #400095x
Used 50 cubic ft stainless steel double ribbon blender. #13SL943
Used 500 CF American Process double ribbon blender. #130802x
Used 58 CF SS Sprout Waldron B-58 ribbon blender for sale. #27SL155
Used 62 CF Day 304 SS double ribbon blender for sale. #32SL855
Used 66 c.f. Howes 304 stainless steel ribbon blender for sale. #33SL100
Used 70 CF Readco stainless steel double ribbon blender for sale. #40SL919
Used 75 CF Young stainless steel ribbon blender for sale. #50SL429
Used Aaron 150 cf ribbon blender for sale, 50 hp. #400092x
Used American Process 400 cubic feet paddle mixer blender for sale. #15SL269
Used American Process ribbon paddle blender 385CF. #28SL219
Used Cutler 30 h.p. finger paddle blender, 512 CF total capacity. #400028X
Used Hayes Stolz 1000 cubic foot double ribbon blender for sale. #37SL597
Used Howes 10' x 20' horizontal tank ribbon blender. #47SL080
Used Howes 170CF double spiral ribbon blender for sale. #400034X
Used JH Day 100 CF double spiral ribbon blender for sale. #400093x
Used Marion 30 cf 4 paddle mixer for sale. #400096
Used Marion paddle mixer for sale, 36" x 96" stainless steel. #30SL601
Used Readco 170 cubic feet double ribbon blender. #19SL255
Used Reynolds 250 CF double ribbon blender, 75 HP. #400031X
Used Ross ribbon blender, 42N-215, 215 CF. #27SL871
Used Sprout Waldron 10' x 64" x 64" double ribbon blender. #400030x
Used stainless steel 190 CF ribbon blender, 25 HP. #400033x
Used Vitrol Canada 60 cf food powder mixer for sale. #400094x
Used Young 200 CF ribbon blender, 50 HP. #400032x
Machinery misc
Dual shaft shredders
Used Ball & Jewell model SB10480x dual rotor shredder, SB10480X. #400008
Used 20" x 28" Weil dual shaft shredder, 20" x 28". #36SL828
Used 25 hp Jacobson 20" x 30" feed dual shaft shredder,27SL558
Used 60 hp Reduction Technologies 20" x 42" feed dual shaft shredder,29SL915
Used scott 10 hp, 15" x 15" dual shaft shredder,23SL698
Used Shred Tech shredding system for sale, CT-50NI. #33SL736
Hammer mills
Small used 5 hp Fluid Air hammer mill, 3" wide hammer. #26SL180
Used 1000 HP Williams impactor crusher/hammer mill. #400043X
Used Ann Tsung 7.5 atomizing hammer mill. #30SL472
Used Fluid Air hammer mill, 20 hp. #32SL314
Used Jacobson hammer mill, 9" x 26". #25SL895
Used Munson hammer mill, 30 hp 3540 RPM. #19SL185
Used Raymond 7.5 hp hammer mill, 12" chamber. #400099x
Used Williams hammer mill, 10" x 12" feed, 40 hp, 28SL077
Used Williams x160 hammer mill. No motor. #400097x
Hog mills
Used 1200 rpm Mitts & Merrill hog mill 20 x 18 feed opening,16SL000
Used 150 hp Mitts & Merril Hog Mill, 20" X 27", 30" rotor, #24SL438
Used 150 hp Mitts and Merrill 20" x 27" hog mill,31SL059
Paper shredders
Used 30 hp paper shredder system, 24"x 24" rotor, 8'x 8'x 8' dust collector,28SL278
Used American Paperboard shredder, 45" x 30". 75 hp. #400098
Used Gruendler 60 HP paper shredder, 2 tons per hour
Used Shred Tech paper shredder, 60hp, 25" x 50". #36SL511
Refuse shredding equipment
Used Eidal 150 HP refuse shredder system. #400015
Used Eidal solid waste shredder, 400 HP. #13SL550
Single shaft shredders
Used Holtzmag 100 HP shredder, carbide cutters on rotor, 48" x 50". #400014
Used Linder 175 HP shredder, 22" x 80" rotor, 80" opening. #400016
Used Weima 60 hp horizontal scrap wood, vinyl siding shredder
Mining equipment
Ball mills
Pre-breaker machines
Rod mills for sale
215 h.p. Herbold granulator, 800 mm. x 1600 mm.. #34SL198
200 h.p. Ball And Jewell Granulator, 36" X 52". #34SL196
200 h.p. Ball And Jewell Granulator, 36" X 52". #34SL197
200 h.p. Cumberland granulator. #38SL475
200 h.p. Nelmor granulator, 24" x 36". #400005
150 h.p. Cumberland granulator, 21" x 37". #33SL549
150 h.p. Cumberland granulator, 56 x 24. #41SL499
150 h.p. Cumberland granulator, 20" x 50". #400006
150 h.p. Herbold granulator, 18" x 30". #17SL318
125 h.p. Rapid Granulator, 24" X 42". #29SL509
100 h.p. Cumberland granulator, 50" x 20". #43SL361
100 h.p. Cumberland granulator, 20" x 50". #48SL793
100 h.p. Cumberland granulator, 16" x 28". #16SL281
100 h.p. Foremost granulator, 16" X 45". #22SL902
100 h.p. Gloucester granulator, 14" x 28". #20SL107
100 h.p. Nelmor granulator, 24" X 36". #15SL734
75 h.p. Cumberland Granulator, 10" x 20". #14SL808
75 h.p. Young 24" x 36" granulator.#19SL240
60 h.p. Cumberland granulator, 14" x 24". #33SL546
50 h.p. Ball And Jewell granulator, 20" X 26". #28SL197
50 h.p. Cumberland granulator, 14" x 24".#20SL160
50 h.p. Cumberland granulator, 21" X 28". #30SL448
50 h.p. Nelmor granulator, 18" x 36". #49SL942
50 h.p. Rapid granulator, 12" X 24", #21SL011
40 h.p. Gloucester granulator, 12" X 18". #28SL204
30 h.p. Alsteele granulator, 7" x 18". #15SL214
30 h.p. Chi Chang granulator, 19" X 24". #34SL496
30 h.p. granulator, 7" x 14". #29SL568
30 h.p. Tria granulator, 11" x 13". #19SL963
25 h.p. Conair granulator, 18 x 24. #40SL880
25 h.p. Mitts & Merrill granulator, 14" x 20". #15SL436
25 h.p. Nelmor granulator, 12" x 20". #15SL340
25 h.p. Rapid granulator, 12" x 24". #30SL445
20 h.p Cumberland granulator. #47SL717
20 h.p. Cumberland granulator. #21SL918
20 h.p. Cumberland granulator, 28" .#32SL049
20 h.p. Cumberland granulator, 14" X 20". #22SL909
20 h.p. granulator, 14" X 16", #30SL102
20 h.p. Nelmor granulator, 12" X 20". #15SL339
20 h.p. Nelmor granulator, 12" X 15". #27SL377
15 h.p. Conair granulator, 9" x 12". #30SL832
7.5 h.p. Lr Systems granulator, 6" X 8". #25SL550
guillotine cutters
Used 18" Pneumatic guillotine cutter
Used 19" guillotine cutter, Denison oil
Used 28" guillotine cutter, Whiptastic
Used Spadone 29"/about 70 cm wide guillotine cutter. #CX97565
New Rubber Presses
Hydraulic press model DaveyNSS1
Hydraulic press model DaveyNSS2
Hydraulic press model DaveyNSS4
Hydraulic press model DaveyNSS5
Hydraulic press model DaveyNSS6
Hydraulic press model DaveyNSS7
Hydraulic press model DaveyNSS78
Hydraulic press model DaveyNSS9
Hydraulic press model M4080
Hydraulic press rebuilding
Basket centrifuges
Used 60" X 20" Sharples centrifuge #36SL039
Used 24" x 12" Tolhurst perforated basket centrifuge, 1400 RPM
Used 30" x 18" Ametek hastelloy basket centrifuge #24SL980
Used 30" x 18" Tolhurst Basket Centrifuge, 1400 RPM #25SL047
Used 40" x 24" Sharples basket centrifuge, 1500 RPM
Used 40" x 24" Tolhurst centrifuge, 1180 RPM #27SL597
Used 48" x 30" DeLaval/ATM/Sanborn Basket Centrifuge, 1150 RPM #19SL213
Used 48" x 30" Ametek perforated basket centrifuge #21SL499.
Used 48" x 30" Bird Ketema basket centrifuge, 1800 RPM #36SL847
Used 48" x 30" DeLaval Mark III automatic basket centrifuge, 1000 RPM #15SL954
Used 48" x 30" DeLaval Mark III Basket Centrifuge, 19SL746
Used 48" x 30" Western States perforated basket centrifuge, 1150 RPM
Used 49" x 32" Krauss Maffei basket centrifuge, model VZO #36SL036
Used 54" x 40" Western States centrifuge, 900 RPM #34SL094
Used 54" x 40" Western States centrifuge. #34SL095
Used 60" x 20" Western States Basket Clarifier, 1800 RPM #18SL159
Used 60" X 20" Sharples centrifugal clarifier. #36SL038
Continuous solid bowl centrifuges
Used 16 liter Dorr Oliver Merco continuous solid bowl centrifuge. #36SL271
Used 36" x 96" Bird continuous solid bowl centrifuge, 2450 RPM. #17SL498
Used Sharples Model PM-95000 Continuous Solid Bowl Centrifuge. #16SL863
Decanter centrifuges
Sharples model p5000 sanitary decanter centrifuge, unused. #400104
Used 24" x 98" Alfa Laval 24" x 98" decanter centrifuge, 140 GPM. #25SL549
Used 10' Sharples decanter centrifuge. #400103x
Used 140" x 40" Sharples decanter centrifuge, 400 hp. #400101x
Used 16 liter Dorr Oliver Merco decanter centrifuge, model NX314B-31G. #36SL272
Used 1780 RPM Sharples decanter centrifuge. #34SL512
Used 190 mm x 353 mm Alfa Laval decanter centrifuge, 3250 RPM. #33SL867
Used 24" x 98" Alfa Laval decanter, 2700 RPM. #25SL548
Used 2600 RPM Sharples Decanter centrifuge. #34SL513
Used Sharples DS-706 decanter centrifuge. #37SL535
Used Sharples model pm35000memk2 decanter. #400102x
Used 18" Pneumatic guillotine cutter
Used 18" Pneumatic guillotine cutter
Used 18" Pneumatic guillotine, 23" feed, 19" discharge tables, down acting with cylinder. #33SL584
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