Used 30 h.p Chi Chang granulator, 19" X 24", #34SL496
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Used 30 H.p. Chi Chang 7 knife rotor granulator
Used 30 H.p. Chi Chang 7 knife rotor granulator
Used 30 h.p. Chi Chang 7 knife open rotor plastic granulator for sale, has a 800 mm x 1600 mm 7 knife open rotor. Feed hopper includer. Granulator 34SL198.
Granulator pictures below
Granulator pictures below
Specifications on this are below the pictures
Chi Chang model CC/SC-30 granulator details
Chi Chang model CC/SC-30 granulator details
Segmented helical closed rotor with 3 rows of 3 bolt-on blades
30 hp - 1450 RPM motor
19" X 24.75" top feed opening
Approximately 7/16" diameter screen holes
Blower has 2 hp motor
2 hoppers
Has control panel
Model CC/SC-30
Used equipment